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About me
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这是一首来自挪威乐队Wardruna的北欧民谣。后由另一挪威乐队Kalandra翻唱。Helvegen,直译为The Way to Hel,通往冥界之路。
Painting, December 2017
Innocent adolescence.
Painting, July 2019
Pastel works mimicking dull photos.
Music, March 2021
My first complete electronic music piece.
Music, Techno, December 2021
My first published electronic music single.
Music, April 2022
A patchwork band sings.
Music, Techno, June 2022
Techno track with some impromptu.
Music, August 2022
3 English songs and 1 Chinese rock song.
Painting, October 2022
Weird monochromatic drawings on paper and whiteboard.
Music, November 2022
Echoes of the Eyes; on Minimalism
Music, February 2023
Piano, Synth & Singing Performance
Music, June 2023
A song dedicated to all the graduates of 2023, Zhiyuan College.
Music, Indie, September 2024
Interactive Audiovisual Design, October 2024
An interactive music therapy journey embodying a firefly. Essentially a sound peeking visualization.
Interactive Audiovisual Design, November 2024
An interactive audiovisual music sequencer that creates and sonifies Kandinsky-like abstract paintings.
Interactive Audiovisual Design, December 2024
The protagonist suddenly no-clipped into a weird space where he witnessed (or better, heard) things beyond his comprehension.
Interactive Audiovisual Design, December 2024
A lonely black hole flows at a corner of the universe. No creatures dare to come near as it alters the spacetime nearby. You are probably the first one.
A python language interpreter written in C++.
A cooperated project including backend C++ coding, B+ Tree data structure implementation and frontend website design.
Ray tracing engine written in Rust that can output something colorful.
Course MS108, an emulated RISCV32I CPU written in verilog.
A completely hand-made compiler for a toy language with multiple optimizations.
Audio classification project using Google’s EfficientNet.
A step-by-step learning project that utilized JUCE framework for audio plugin development.
A comprehensive CG project following CMU462 course.
A 3D fluids simulation project based on Taichi framework. Several fun ways of interactions are combined.
Lejun Min, Junyan Jiang, Gus Xia, Jingwei Zhao
In Proceedings of the 24th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference, ISMIR
Ziyu Wang, Lejun Min, Gus Xia
Spotlight (top 5%) in Proc. 12th International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR 2024)
What is nesting? From the popular meme "No Nesting" to the literature allusion Mise en abyme raised by André Gide, I tried to deliver my understanding of the nesting behavior: why it evokes eerie feelings and, how it diverges from our everyday common sense yet happening profoundly everywhere in nature.
I gave a talk about my research experience with Prof. Gus Xia, which covers mainly two papers: Polyffusion and Whole-song Gen.
Teaching Assistant, ACM Class, Zhiyuan College, SJTU, 2021
A hand-on tutorial of writing a Ray Tracer in Rust🦀. This is a project inherited from our seniors which aims at offering basic conceptions about CG and letting students take a sip of the Rust programming language.
Teaching Assistant, ACM Class, Zhiyuan College, SJTU, 2022
I served as a teaching assistant of Prof. Chihao Zhang. This course taught algorithm designing and various algorithm analysis methods. The notes and syllabus can be found here.
Teaching Assistant, ACM Class, Zhiyuan College, SJTU, 2023
I served as a teaching assistant for Prof. Weinan Zhang. The course includes comprehensive reinforcement learning lecturing and hands-on practices with assignments and a final project. I designed a wide range of project options: single- or multi-agent learning for simulated hands, objects, and physical legged robots.